Learn how successful B2B SaaS companies compete - and win - in highly saturated categories.

Podcast format like no other. How to Win features B2B companies that are winning - and breaks down how they've done it. Peep adds his own thoughts and third-party soundbites to the story, making each episode a learning session. No fluff. No filler.

Learn about building moats, growing audiences, scaling businesses, and differentiating from the competition.

Hosted by Peep Laja, founder at Wynter, Speero, CXL.

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Latest Episodes

Speed's Advantage

Peep Laja dives into why speed is a critical and often underrated competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business world. Learn how to make swift decisions, conduc...

Nail and Scale

In this episode, Peep Laja emphasizes the importance of deeply understanding your target market and ideal customer profile (ICP) to drive growth in B2B SaaS. He advoca...

Start in a Niche

In this episode, Peep dives into why niching down is the key to success for early-stage B2B SaaS companies. He explains how focusing on solving a specific problem for ...

Scientific Laws of Marketing

In this episode, Peep Laja explores the scientific laws of marketing, focusing on building mental and physical availability for brands. Drawing from the works of Profe...

Winning Beyond the Product

This episode explores the critical factors that define market leadership, from being first in a category to leveraging innovation and strategic marketing. Hear from ex...

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