Tamara Grominsky on how Unbounce are pairing marketer and machine to create a new category and fend off the competition

Tamara Grominsky, Chief Strategy Officer at landing page and conversion experts, Unbounce. We learn what to do when your category becomes a race to the bottom, why AI and machine learning should be used to help marketers not replace them, and how Unbounce built their biggest moat. I weigh in with my thoughts on the risks of competing on features, the power of taking a differentiated position in the market, and why category creation is such an attractive play.
Listen and learn:
  • The problem Unbounce was originally trying solve (1:14)
  • My take on the risks of competing on features (3:30)
  • How their industry became a race to the bottom (5:30)
  • Why you should aim to be unique, instead of being the best (6:42)
  • How Unbounce thinks about the competition (11:10)
  • My thoughts on taking a differentiated position in the market (15:18)
  • What category Unbounce are trying to create (20:54)
  • My take on the power of category creation (21:14)
  • What Unbounce are betting their entire business model on (24:47)
  • Unbounce's secret sauce (31:17)
  • Wrap up (33:44)
My Links:
Tamara Grominsky on how Unbounce are pairing marketer and machine to create a new category and fend off the competition
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