How Devin Bramhall helped Animalz scale from $1m to $16m ARR... by doing the unscalable

Devin Bramhall, CEO at content marketing beasts, Animalz. We hear about the unique challenges of scaling a people business, learn some unusual strategies for growth, and hear a different take on thought leadership. I weigh in on the power of market penetration, doubling down on your key differentiators, and what I call "The Kim Kardashian Strategy".
Listen and learn:
  • Animalz's two biggest pain points (2:02)
  • How the Animalz team found a vision for the future (3:10)
  • The biggest strategic bet that Animalz placed (3:56)
  • One of the hardest things to do in business (4:48)
  • How Animalz elevated the perception of their brand (5:48)
  • My thoughts on the power of market penetration (6:05)
  • What I call "The Kim Kardashian Strategy" (8:50)
  • What Devin's mentor taught her about using leverage (10:42)
  • How doing the unscalable helped Animalz scale (12:54)
  • My thoughts on doubling-down on your key differentiators (13:21)
  • Animalz's strategy for the next 3-5 years (15:37)
My Links:
How Devin Bramhall helped Animalz scale from $1m to $16m ARR... by doing the unscalable
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